If you’re using the Tomcat Maven Plugin and want to use post 6.0.29 Apache Tomcat, ie latest 6.0.32, you should update your pom to handle a change in artifact.
Up to 6.0.29, Eclipse JDT compiler was bundled as jasper-jdt :
With 6.0.30, Apache Tomcat team started to bundle Eclipse JDT directly:
[xml] org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler ecj 3.5.1 [/xml]
As consequence, org.apache.tomcat/jasper-jdt artifact didn’t exist anymore after release 6.0.29.
[caption id=”attachment_742” align=”alignnone” width=”743” caption=”Jasper JDT up to 6.0.29”][/caption]
For Tomcat Maven Plugin, you should update the suggested pom like this :