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Tomcat Maven Plugin and Apache Tomcat Post 6.0.29

If you’re using the Tomcat Maven Plugin and want to use post 6.0.29  Apache Tomcat, ie latest 6.0.32, you should update your pom to handle a change in artifact.

Up to 6.0.29, Eclipse JDT compiler was bundled as jasper-jdt :


With 6.0.30, Apache Tomcat team started to bundle Eclipse JDT directly:

[xml] org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler ecj 3.5.1 [/xml]

As consequence, org.apache.tomcat/jasper-jdt artifact didn’t exist anymore after release 6.0.29.

[caption id=”attachment_742” align=”alignnone” width=”743” caption=”Jasper JDT up to 6.0.29”]Jasper JDT up to 6.0.29[/caption]

For Tomcat Maven Plugin, you should update the suggested pom like this :


Notice: An updated version of Tomcat Maven Plugin 1.2-SNAPSHOT has been released, this hack is no more necessary

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