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Apple JDK and OpenJDK – Core2Duo vs I7

Previously I did benchmark of Apple VMs and OpenJDK 6 and I wanted to see how all of the JVMs available today on our Mac on two systems, an old Core2Duo and a newer i7. And also see how they perform 32 / 64 bits kernel mode.

So I redo full dacapo bench suite to include OpenJDK 6, and we have now 5 VMs (3 Java 6 and 2 Java 7) :

  • Apple Java 1.6.0_22 - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-314, mixed mode)

  • Apple Java 1.6.0_24 - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02-348, mixed mode)

  • OpenJDK 7 bsd-port - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b07, mixed mode)

  • OpenJDK 7 macosx-port - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b07, mixed mode)

  • OpenJDK 6 macports - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b16, mixed mode)

Results on MacBook Pro - Core2Duo 2.66Ghz - 32bits kernel

BenchApple JDK6 b22Apple JDK6 b24OpenJDK 1.7 bsd-portOpenJDK 1.7 macosx-portOpenJDK 1.6
avrora (10 iterations)54365246491750595061
eclipse (2 iterations)4944249529371314357237292
fop (10 iterations)561519395398456
h2 (2 iterations)720466356312634111051
jython (2 iterations)651759285947
luindex (10 iterations)109521701014985953
lusearch (10 iterations)77644379507776115534
pmd (10 iterations)31783295247534382437
sunflow (10 iterations)69697038654365666564
tomcat (5 iterations)4024392435713820
tradebeans (5 iterations)80287516585159145954
tradesoap (5 iterations)1683914603124771309612943
xalan (10 iterations)31282744291737832816

Bench Core2Duo

Results on iMac - Core i7 2.8Ghz - 64bits kernel

BenchApple JDK6 b22Apple JDK6 b24OpenJDK 1.7 bsd-portOpenJDK 1.7 macosx-portOpenJDK 1.6
avrora (10 iterations)34523349350536003269
eclipse (2 iterations)2608124506206642267623706
fop (10 iterations)392354299303324
h2 (2 iterations)55595341481447528766
jython (2 iterations)420441684094
luindex (10 iterations)20767636202226643
lusearch (10 iterations)14842101299830551168
pmd (10 iterations)20551884161418761635
sunflow (10 iterations)28082689231522672276
tomcat (5 iterations)1935185017721751
tradebeans (5 iterations)66336127513550925242
tradesoap (5 iterations)1925018265194432021722195
xalan (10 iterations)10671673762791775
Bench i7


As seen if previous article, latest Apple JVM, 1.6.0-24 perform better than the old 1.6.0-22, and still behind OpenJDK 7 and even OpenJDK 6. OpenJDK 7 bsd-port is still faster (by a small factor) than OpenJDK 7 from macosx-port (built with LLVM), in both simple threaded (Core2Duo, 2 cores) and large threaded (i7 4 cores with hyperthreading).

This benchmark show how good is Intel Core i7 comparing to previous generation Intel Core2Duo, roughly twice as fast.

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